
In our work, we focus on people and spaces, processes and projects as well as communication and knowledge. From design and conceptualization to research and analysis, from facilitation and moderation to community and networks, from training and coaching to lectures and content creation.

People and 

Bringing people together, strengthening communities and networks, creating spaces for learning, cross-fertilisation, and result-oriented exchange 

Processes and Projects

From ideation to evaluation, designing, managing and jointly implementing projects and processes, with empathy and creativity

Communication and Knowledge

Appealing and effective communication, digitalisation, agile methods and participatory tools, also managing content and knowledge 

In action

A few impressions from our work 

Skills and Expertise

For complete Curriculum Vitae check here

Content-related expertise

  • Transdisciplinary practice-oriented skills on transformation, sustainability, strategic urban planning, urban governance and management, environment, infrastructure and climate change issues;
  • In-depth knowledge about international/global agendas (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)/Agenda 2030, Habitat III/New Urban Agenda, Paris Climate Agreement and Sendai Framework) and the role of local governments in their implementation;
  • Expert knowledge on topics like mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, disaster risk management / urban resilience, national urban policy, smart cities, municipal financing, creative bureaucracy, municipal partnerships, sustainable procurement, circular economy / sustainable consumption and production, energy efficiency and renewable energy, digitalisation, mobility, housing, place-making, tactical urbanism, participatory/co-creative/inclusive urban development, cities for the common good, municipal degrowth and doughnut cities, nature-based solutions in cities, digital participation;

Methodological skills

  • Development / international cooperation, project appraisal / project management, strategic, advisory and back-stopping services;
  • Process design, coaching, moderation / facilitation, training development / capacity building design and implementation;
  • Information and knowledge management,
  • Participatory community engagement and network management,
  • Research, communication, campaigning and public relations;

Communication / organisational / managerial / computer skills

  • Solid written/spoken communication skills, strong empathetic and interpersonal skills; Strong scientific/analytical as well as systemic thinking, high level of organization and attention to detail also due to several years of research activities;
  • Flexibility to work independently or in team and adaptable to different work environments, robust networking, hands-on, management and process / impact orientation skills;
  • Solid inter- cultural, IT / agile competence (Microsoft Office, desktop publishing, tools for digital communication and collaboration, virtual workshop/training tools, as well as social media); Strong skills in translating concepts into visual support and producing digital content for website

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