Publication (in Portuguese) about the collaborative processes of the ANDUS project (Support for the National Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development in Brazil). Highlights and systematisation of the experiences of the processes of the Municipal Mentoring, the National Urban Development Policy (PNDU), the Network for Sustainable Urban Development (ReDUS) and the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities.
GIZ / ANDUS | 2022
Contribution to the working paper that summarises GIZ’s understanding of the term smart cities from a citizen-centric perspective, the challenges for cities on their way to becoming smart cities and the role German Development Cooperation play in their creation and support.
GIZ / Democracy, Digital Governance, Urban Development -Governance and Conflict Department | 2021 - 2022
Unturning the stones – Exploring Climate Finance for Asian Cities - design, coordination and mobilisation of three-day-long virtual dialogue event on financing for climate-related projects. Conceptualisation and coordination of publications and results.
GIZ / Connective Cities | 2021
City WORKS is an approach and a digital working aid to support the implementation of global agendas in cities and communities
Conceptual design of tools and co-creation of overall approach, application of mentoring, coaching and training workshops in several countries as well as training of trainers, and several international workshops.
GIZ, Sector Programm Cities, since 2017
Conceptualisation and coordination of the study Compilation and analysis of digital solutions for climate-resilient and low-carbon urban development
GIZ / Sector Network Good Governance in Asia (SNGA) and
Sector Network Transport Environment Energy and Water in Asia (TUEWAS) | 2020
Desktop study:
Stocktaking urban support approaches - A guide of tools for sustainable urban development
GIZ, Sector Project “Integrated Implementation of 2030 Agenda in Cities and City-Regions” | 2019
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